Ace the North Carolina Barber Exam 2024 – Snip, Style, and Shine!

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Physical properties include which of the following?

Color and volume

Melting and boiling points

Boiling and melting points are two common physical properties. Melting point is the temperature at which a substance changes from solid to liquid state, while boiling point is the temperature at which a substance changes from liquid to gas state. Therefore, A, C, and D are incorrect as they do not directly relate to physical properties. Color and volume can vary depending on external factors such as light and pressure, and do not necessarily reflect the chemical composition of a substance. Density and solubility, on the other hand, can change with temperature and pressure, making them more related to chemical properties rather than physical. Acidity and alkalinity are chemical properties that measure the concentration of hydrogen or hydroxide ions in a substance. They are not considered physical properties.

Density and solubility

Acidity and alkalinity


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